Monday, November 23, 2009

I do..... NOT!!!!

In this age where divorce, baby's mommas/daddies, and single parent families have become so common, Is the idea of marriage becoming obsolete?

1 comment:

  1. Yes i think so.People don't want to be tied down and committed forever that
    scares the mess out of people nowadays,the fight is to hard. Why I donno it's stupid to me.People don't want to put in the hard work.In this day and age people are lazy,communication,trust,faith,the fight,sticking together and even the fact of having to just have sex with one person makes them pull away from marriage.Marriage is one of the hardest choice's one will make in there life.Many just don't know how to stick it out,many don't know how to keep the fire burning.Many just wanna to run from bed to bed and most are just plain scared.There are three cords that bind a marriage and without all three working at the marriage it is DOOMED. The first cord is GOD the other two are the two that are married to eachother.God always must be at the for front of a marriage.I learned that the hard way but i learned it and that is what counts.
    Fear what is fear?Fear nothing overcome everything!
